Home > July 5th paycheck.

July 5th paycheck.

July 4th, 2006 at 03:36 pm

The check shows as a pending deposit and since I have a little more time today than I will tomorrow, I'm entering everything in my register now, to be actually paid tomorrow.

1266.78 Salary plus extra
350.00 Roomate's portion of stuff
198.95 Held over from last check
100.00 Pulled from savings to pay CC
1915.73 Total to work with

575.00 Rent
30.00 Offerings
275.52 Consol Loan (45 pymnts left)
173.00 CC #1 (167 is currently due)
100.00 Grocery and eating out
10.00 Savings
10.00 ING
259.38 Student Loan (240 pymnts left)
29.00 Curves
145.00 Medical bills
40.00 Gas
30.00 Personal
89.00 PCC (German Class)
149.00 CC #2 (remaining balance $141)
1914.90 Total paid

Remaining: 0.83

I'm waiting til my next dr appt to see about dropping Curves. Part of me wants to keep it, the rest of me knows I should probably just drop it for now. Ok well there's a part of me that hopes I'll get a medical reason to not do it temporarily which would mean I keep my membership but don't have to pay for a while.

I started budgeting Misc things under Personal. That way if I need to buy stamps (which I do every few months) or decide to catch a movie, or need to buy clothes, I have money to and I'm not breaking my budget. But once that money is gone it's gone. If there's any left over at the next pay period, it goes into my ING account.

My medical bills allowance I can actually budget correctly starting this check since my student loan consolidation went through. It breaks down to $100 for clinic bill, $10 for 1st prescription, $35 in case I need to pick up 2nd prescription before the next paycheck. Any left over will go into regular savings at the next check. Well in all actuality it'll probably be put towards paying off CC #2 but in theory it will go into regular savings.

Now that I have that all sorted out, I can't wait til tomorrow to actually pay it.

1 Responses to “July 5th paycheck.”

  1. Money Talk$ Says:

    Glad to see you have it all budgeted. In My Honest Oppinion, Curves is out. $29 a month for a gym is not for people who are serious about getting out of debt. That $29 goes straight to CC#1 or to keep you from charging your prescriptions should the need arise. Those medical bills are the next thing to look at. COntact the billing department of the clinic and see if arrangements can be made to pay them a little less but for a longer period of time. In most cases, those are 0% interest and if you pay them slower and use some of the money instead to pay your higher interest loans first you will get out of debt quicker. The food budget of $100 looks good, but then the words eating out show up. Those words should not be in your vocabulary if you want to be debt free sooner rather than later.

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