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Gearing up for change.

September 20th, 2007 at 09:08 pm

Today was payday. It's my second to the last paycheck from my current employer.

I paid all the bills I had to. Set aside money for a trip to Seattle next weekend (I'm carpooling so pitching in a little for gas). Set aside money for next month's bus pass that I'll need for new job (friend works someplace she can get one for half price and she won't need it for October so I'll be buying it from her at a discount). Paid off the small current balance on CC2 that's normally kept empty. And had $102 left over that's earmarked for savings but won't actually transfer until next week.

My roommate and I are throwing a party this weekend. We're going shopping tonight for food and other stuff for it. I have $32 from babysitting and what was left over from food and gas last paycheck. That should be plenty, especially since we're splitting the bill and we won't be buying any alcohol.

I am so paranoid about having enough money to pay for insurance and the other half of the month's worth of pay I'll need to come up with end of January that I've decided to charge some things. Specifically my clothes for work. I will be looking for good deals and such but for the most part I just want to go shopping once and not have to worry about work clothes for a while. I'm ok with paying interest since I know that worst case, I'll pay it all off with my tax return. Which means only a couple of months. If I find that I have more than enough money saved up to cover things then I'll pay it off sooner.

My current 'work clothes' are the same as my everyday clothes. Casual, jeans, tshirts. New job is in an office building with a business casual dress code. Granted, one of the programmers was in my interview wearing cords and a tshirt but I'm not going to be working for him. I have my interview clothes (one pair of slacks, one nicer button down shirt) and possibly one other top that would be acceptable. Past that, nothing. I hate shopping for clothes, with a passion. But I need to do it. This weekend I'll start out at Value Village and Goodwill. Next I'll hit up Ross and Marshall's. After that it just depends on how much time/energy I have to take on the rest of the Maul (Old Navy, Gap, Macy's, Nordstrom's, Sears, etc). Might check in at Avenue as well since that's where I got my slacks and they fit really well, just a little pricey even if I did get them on sale.

4 Responses to “Gearing up for change.”

  1. moi aussi Says:

    Good luck at your new job. Are you are programmer?

  2. LdyFaile Says:

    I was, I'll be doing technical support for a bit. I'm at a point where I'm done with programming. Smile The programmer was just in the interview because he's who I'd be working with if I had any things I needed to talk to the programming department about and he was curious to see the novelty that was a programmer who didn't want to anymore. Smile

  3. littlemama Says:

    Have you thought about consignment shops? Usually you can find quite a bit of proffesional wear there.

  4. LdyFaile Says:

    Yes and no. I actually have not looked into specifically if there's any consignment shops in my area, but I have considered used clothing. My biggest issue is my height, at least as far as pants go. Finding just the right fit is a problem and I tire of shopping easily, especially when I can't find anything to even try on.

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