Home > Didn't buy the Tshirt, did buy the gloves

Didn't buy the Tshirt, did buy the gloves

April 18th, 2008 at 02:58 pm

I went to a concert last night and debated about buying a band tshirt. In the end, decided it wasn't necessary and $25 stayed in my pocket.

This morning at Curves I noticed that I was building up callouses again. Last time it had to do with my work environment (freight dock) this time it's due to Curves. They have gloves there to avoid just that issue, they are nice, padded, fingerless, and only $8.95. So I went ahead and bought them since I had cash on me. Of course I decided on them after my workout so will have to wait til Monday to see how I like them.

4 Responses to “Didn't buy the Tshirt, did buy the gloves”

  1. littlemama Says:

    I was looking at your sidebar and noticed how much debt you have paid off in less than a year. Way to go!!! And only $46.07 left on your emergency fund. WOW!

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Excellent decisions you investment in your health. Sounds better than a T shirt.

  3. greengirl Says:

    can i ask, what band did you see?

  4. ldyfaile Says:

    Epica, a dutch goth band

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